Review of Dark Dynasty

Supernatural: Dark Dynasty (2015)
Season 10, Episode 21
Hands down the worst Supernatural episode of the entire ten seasons. SPOILERS
15 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was an insult to the fans and worse, it was an insult to the actors. All the actors. Everyone's character was dumbed down, everyone's character was out of character. It was a particular insult to Felicia Day and her character, Charlie. Charlie behaved stupidly, which is not like her at all, suddenly seemed unable to fight, was killed off screen and her body thrown in a bathtub. It was a slap in the face to all involved and TPTB don't even have a good answer for why they did it. The writing has been suffering lately, but the writing on this one was dismal. This ep in the midst of a mediocre season with a tired plot is a low point for this show. The eternal optimist in me is still hoping they'll redeem themselves in season 11.
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