Doctor Who: Boom Town (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
I'm standing up for Boom Town, Annette Badland is pure joy.
12 August 2015
Boom Town regularly gets bashed and classed as the weak entry in Series 1 (have you not seen The Long Game?) but i'm going to stick up for it, I love Boom Town, it's big, brash, funny and moving.

Margaret Blaine has survived from World War 3, the bomb has wiped out the rest of the Slitheen family, but she's sad, upset and out for revenge. A plan to demolish Cardiff Castle and build a Nuclear Power Plant, on top of the rift unveils, with major disaster planned. The Doctor uncovers her plan and agrees to take her back to her planet Raxacoricofallapatorius, where we learn she will be executed. Her plan has gone wrong, or has it?

I was less then positive about Annette's role in Aliens of London/World War 3, I felt the script let her down, she's a great actress. In this episode though I think she's brilliant, she has more time to shine. She totally steals this episode with some hilarious lines shared with Cathy Salt, and a wonderfully moving scene where Margaret discovers Cathy's pregnant, brilliantly done. Margaret's escape scene from the office is pure gold, could have been in a Troughton episode, a comedy caper and she shows a more serious side when she spends the night on board the TARDIS as a prisoner. She plays a superb scene out with Eccleston in the restaurant, a more serious edge of the show, all the humour gone it becomes more edgy.

Blaidd Drwwg/Bad Wolf hits home once more, but again next week's trailer gave too much away.
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