More of the same
10 August 2015
Although the original "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" was a box office hit, I don't think anyone was exactly clamouring for a sequel. But here one is, and it's pretty much like the first movie, namely that it's a comic take on the formula the action movie "Die Hard" gave birth to. While there are a handful of gags that this adult did find to be (mildly) amusing, the humor for the most part is simple-minded and lame, with a number of gags recycled from the first movie. Kids (YOUNG kids) might find the humor to be funny, but I think other adults like myself will sit in silence like I did. Is there anything of merit to be found in the movie? Well, Kevin James does bring in an instant likability, like he did in the first movie. But he really needs someone else to write his material. And the movie looks great, with expert photography and lighting that makes the colors pop out of your television set. So if your kids insist on dragging you to see this movie with them, make sure you get the Blu-ray disc.
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