True Detective: Omega Station (2015)
Season 2, Episode 8
Last days at Vinci before departing
9 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The last episode takes the characters through a tour of the corrupt city as they try to wrap things up and hopefully escape unscathed. It's a more action packed showing, somewhat reminder of 24 from the flying bullets or chases. Both Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell deliver stellar performance, they maneuver through chaos and conspiracy, but more importantly they give deserved personal conclusions for their characters.

Visually, the final act looks clean despite running its course through dusty town. Credit to cinematography as it portrays the scenery with suave atmosphere. It still gives the gritty noir flair, but for most dramatic parts the series ends strongly with cinematic treatment.

The case itself is pretty jumbled, there are many subplots and they can be messy. Granted, it could work intentionally, but it'd be nice to see more subplots or other characters given more attention. All things revolve back to the leads, and thankfully the writing and acting for these tired men are effective.

Frank and Ray eventually try what last resorts they can play. The show works with prospect that they might just pull it off. Both of lead actors perform admirably, equally giving emotional and personal scenes. Be it may desperation or acceptance, the characters almost seem as though they are going through cathartic motions even though redemption appears awfully far. Audience would most likely respond well as they reach their journeys' end.

Season 2 is different than the first, but ultimately, and probably ironically, it all comes down to the two anti-heroes. In this regard it concludes with a grand closure.
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