Marple: The Body in the Library (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
A clever re-working
8 August 2015
We all know the story, so I think it was bold of the writer to make a few edits and change things a bit, or there'd have been no need to make the series. Setting it in the 50's was a daring move, but I feel it paid off. She was a very different Jane Marple to Joan Hickson, scatty, clever and massively less shockable, she was a mature character that had a love interest and a modern outlook on life. I loved the cheeky glint in the eye she had. Fair to say I find almost all of Joan's productions superior I think this one stands up fairly well, it moves along at a nice pace. There are some great performances, Joanna Lumley, Simon Callow and Ben Miller are a great supporting cast. The music is splendid, Zadok the Priest, sets the tone. The scene where Geraldine says 'because when you're in love you think you're invincible, it blinds you,' is particularly moving. Who knows if the twist at the end was the right or wrong decision. I'm a huge Christie fan, and it didn't bother me, I was glad to see something different attempted.
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