Let's Be Cops (2014)
Title should have been: Let's Be Metermaids.
7 August 2015
This long, long (yes even at 100 or so minutes) is just awful.

PLOT: Two bumbling idiots decide to impersonate cops. Faux hi jinks follow. You are very thankful though when the movie is over, even tho it seems as tho it goes on forever, way past its premise.

Nothing to see here so just move along, folks.

The 'buddy' cops fail to deliver and those two had about as much chemistry as salt peter and zinc.

Horrible plot, poor acting, no sympathy for such bone head characters, and their stupidity and bumbling is so frustrating, you better have ff engaged at all times. Totally stupid situations they encounter. All make mowing the lawn a much better more exciting alternative.

Or better if as in Star Trek you had 'warp speed' you could get through this mish mash much faster.

Was this movie scripted on a napkin at Spaggios? It looked like they winged it.

Too bad, because I think Waylans is funny and loved all of the SCARY MOVIES.
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