The 6th Day (2000)
Schwarzenegger vs Schwarzenegger
27 July 2015
Adam Gibson (Arnold Schwarzenegger) heads to work one day and on his return from work he discovers a clone of himself celebrating his birthday with his family. Cloning of humans is illegal and, for Gibson, discovering his clone is potentially bad news for both Gibson and his family as it means that the secret that they're trying to protect could end up becoming common knowledge. The organisation responsible for cloning Gibson will do everything in their power to protect their secret even if it means killing Gibson and his family.

As a concept, this is very interesting and it's the sort of film that provides you with a nice piece of escapism. The subject matter of cloning humans is ripe for all kinds of social commentary - would you want another chance at living again after you've died or would you just rather die naturally and let your loved ones mourn you and leave your memories with them? Although the cloning aspect is a forerunner for the film I did like the idea that one aspect of the film showed someone who didn't want to be cloned - yes it's too far-fetched to be taken seriously (it's science fiction after all), but it does make you think whilst the film is running.

As with most Arnie films, this one is very entertaining and lots of fun. Hank and his virtual girlfriend, the virtual lawyer and the virtual psychiatrist - all these characters were only in the film for a short period of time, but all of them were very memorable and very funny. I think the funniest part of the film was when Gibson was trying to ring the police and he kept being given lots of options before he could be connected to the police. This may have been mildly amusing back in 2000, but in 2015 when virtually every number that you ring now gives you these irritating options before you can actually speak to a person ultimately made that scene incredibly funny. When the two 'Arnies' cross paths later in the film these scenes also provide for some very funny exchanges. Arnie doesn't have quite as many 'one liners' as in previous outings, but we're treated to a great one towards the end of the film.

As much as I enjoyed this film I did find one or two weaknesses; I understand that the idea of cloning animals was referenced in the film because it's legal to clone animals, but illegal to clone humans. However, I felt it would have been better if the writers had just made it about cloning humans. The idea of cloning animals just isn't that interesting and the fact that it seemed important at the start and then was ignored for the rest of the film also seemed a little bit strange. I also felt the finale was a little over-blown and ran on for too long, but these are minor issues.

Despite some minor issues with the plotting, The 6th Day is an entertaining, fun and mostly thought-provoking film that is well worth watching. Whilst it doesn't quite reach the greatness of Total Recall (Arnie's other big sci-fi film) it's still a very good film that fans of Arnie and fans of sci-fi will not be disappointed with.
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