This is the 60's ???
23 July 2015
I keep waiting for someone to pull out an iPhone... The sets are right out of 2010.

They make a great effort on clothes and cars - but c'mon...most of the buildings, doors, stairs, hotel hallways, carpets, door handles, decks, etc. etc. etc. are like right out of 2015.

I lived in the 60's, and this is a total revision of history - from the way these women communicate and act to their "liberating moments"

Of course most viewers would never know any better if they can barely recall the 80's.

At least they did not put today's obese/morbidly obese Americans in the scenes!

America an the world has changed soooo much culturally since those days. Most Americans can't even imagine how different things were - especially the creators of this show.
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