A Dark Truth (2012)
Unconvincing and simplistic. Nonsense plot.
21 July 2015
I've watched so many bad movies so far, and this didn't break the pattern.

Here it is. Polarised for you in a movie that will put it in simple terms in case you're not able to grasp the concept. Big corporations are bad, capable of anything and exploitative of poor natives, the baddie is very bad - his sister very good (having experienced a sudden moment of enlightenment).

Lots of poor natives get gunned down on a regular basis, individually and en masse, usually armed with nothing more but big (though undoubtedly sharp) sticks, but often with nothing at all - and in the back.

Ex CIA man (obviously good) is the only one they can trust to get them out of their jam. He has experience of rolling down jungle slopes - and shooting people.

And so it goes on. None of it is in the slightest bit convincing, Garcia least of all. As a Radio Quiet FM radio host he is excruciatingly dull and philosophising in a dreary monotone that, apparently, some people somehow stay awake to respond to.

As a roughty-toughty CIA operative he's even less convincing, able to operate both automatic rifle and revolver in his thick, leather gloves. To show how honed his skills are, he can drive whilst on his phone and fire a pistol turned sidewise (gangster-stylee). He can even wear the same clothes for days on end.

As the baddies get more desperate (and badder) this movie becomes more trite and ridiculous. Lots of complex stuff is explained in phone calls so we can follow the complicated goings-on. This is formulaic stuff and follows all the well established As-Bs to such an extent that this viewer stopped caring.

The twist at the end ? Past caring.

Forrest Whittaker ? Big fan ordinarily and he does what he can - but it's not nearly enough.
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