Boy Meets Girl (I) (2014)
Inspiring and Sweet Love Story
8 July 2015
NO spoilers ahead

This film offers inspiration, validation, encouragement, and permission to be ourselves, just as we are.

I am a sixty-seven-year-old transsexual. I transitioned fifteen years ago, but after watching Boy Meets Girl, I realized that I still haven't given myself permission to completely embrace my new self. This wonderful movie made me realize I was still holding back out of fear of ridicule, rejection, and hatred.This film is a cure for that particular malady. You don't have to be young for it to work its magic.

If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend it. You don't have to be transgender to be moved by it, just a bit open-minded. It is a very sweet and honest love story.

If you are in a position similar to mine - See This Movie! You won't regret it.

A huge thank you to all involved in this gem.
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