Still burning
17 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Embers" is an animated short film from 4 years ago that runs for roughly 20 minutes and tells us the story of an aging assassin and his new protégé. Let me begin by saying that I am not familiar at all with the numerous video games from this series, but that's not a problem at all. You will understand the story and there are not too many characters, so this should not confuse you either. Both the director and writer also worked on many of the games, which probably helped in making this more realistic. I liked this short film. There's nothing disappointing about it. The story is fine (including the pretty brave final twist) and the animation I enjoyed even more. All in all, I must say this was quite a positive surprise. The actors do a fine job too with voicing the characters and it becomes obvious that they all have worked for quite a while in the business. Thums up. Recommended.
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