A Novel Romance (2015 TV Movie)
83 Minutes That I'll Never Get Back
16 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"A Novel Romance" was not only cliché, but actually painful.

I watched this movie on my laptop and I honestly had to pause it so I could breathe and move on. Not in the "oh this is so sweet I'm blushing and forgetting how to breathe" way but the "let me close my eyes for a moment as I consider how a two year old could have better written, directed and starred in this movie" way, a "let me focus on breathing so I don't throw up from all this cheese" way.

The entire thing was cheesy and predictable. Every moment was hard to watch and while I'd like to think myself an appreciator of cliché romcoms, this was something else. By now I've watched enough films to know that you shouldn't be constantly reminded that people are acting, there should be a level of suspension of disbelief. For goodness sake, some Disney Channel Original TV movies are better than this.

I think that the concept of the film was okay, but that it was the execution in every sense, that ultimately let "A Novel Romance" down.

A good script, performance and cinematography should make you feel something, move you, and the only thing that this film made me feel, was queasy.

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