Doctor Who: Horror of Fang Rock: Part One (1977)
Season 15, Episode 1
Creepy, atmospheric horror story
13 July 2015
Review of the Complete Story:

THE HORROR OF FANG ROCK is a well-remember Tom Baker Dr Who adventure and for good reason - it's a grand old slice of atmospheric horror with shades of both Lovecraft and Carpenter's THE THING. Pretty amazing what you can do on a low budget, but the fog-bound locales and the claustrophobic confines of an old lighthouse makes for a fascinating backdrop for this story.

The tale is a simple one in which the Doctor and Leela find themselves in a late 19th century lighthouse where all hell is about to break loose. A strange creature has crashed down from the skies and proceeds to make mincemeat of the occupiers; when a ship is wrecked on the rocks nearby, a group of survivors are added to the fold and the group must work together to try to combat the menace.

Baker plays it relatively subdued here, and for good reason as the emphasis is on the plot for once. Okay, so the creature, when seen, is merely adequate, but the preceding atmosphere building is spot on and I appreciated the attention to detail too. The supporting cast are all game and give effective turns and even the slower moments are packed with suspense so that the serial never feels dull. THE HORROR OF FANG ROCK is an example of Dr Who at its finest.
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