A roadway full of questions...
12 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Though this review contains spoilers, they appear on the OVERALL section of it.

PLOT 4/10 - Regardless of the overall story -- which was actually interesting, the plot tends to become confusing.

SOUNDTRACK 4/10 - Nothing special. That thriller feeling is kinda missing from the movie.

SPECIAL EFFECTS 6/10 - I'll give it a 6, only because not too many effects were used and most of those used seemed OK while on-screen (we can't forget this is a B-movie).

ACTING 3/10 - Mostly shallow.

OVERALL 4/10 - Those seeking horror or thriller aspects might get disappointed: this movie is not scary by any means. The overall plot seemed fine, but it got complicated at the end and it seemed that they kinda rushed the finale in, as if they couldn't keep going with what was happening or couldn't give it a better explanation. Finally, also, somethings are left unexplained and even confusing as to why things are happening that way. If you're in for a B-horror flick that keeps your attention until the very end, making you wonder things, but has a strange explanation to the facts, this is the movie.
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