Versus meets The Walking Dead!
11 July 2015
One of my friends suggested this to me. I thought he was nuts but I was quite surprised. It wasn't bad at all.

Story: definitely unique and different. Not just survivors wandering around. They actually have a clear mission: kill the master of these monsters.

Acting: pretty good for an indie. Could've used some more emotion at times.

Cinematography: beautiful. A bit too many closeups but you do get some nice wide shots every once in a while, and regardless, it always looks good.

Special Effects: this is where it really shines. No computer crap. People get dissected, and the zombies look freaking amaze-balls.

Sound: somebody spent some time here. Very detailed. Nothing sounds off or cheap.

Music: like a real Hollywood movie. So much better than most Indies.

So to sum up, I'd give it a go. The effects alone are worth seeing but it has plenty beyond that too.
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