True Detective: Maybe Tomorrow (2015)
Season 2, Episode 3
Move or Die
10 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's as though Pizzolato realised that the Cohle/Hart magic was irreplaceable, and decided to turn TD2 into a David Lynch tribute instead. The loss of Fukunaga's direction is truly desperate. Justin Lin has done the season no favours, playing with yellow light and blue light and long chords and close-ups so long that even when something finally gets moving in episode 3 (I don't know if he is still directing at this point, because stuff happens and the guy seems opposed to action on principle) it has a sense of grinding gears, tortuous and slow.

A point's being lost here. This is the golden age of television drama, right? The characters are illuminated by their responses to the plot. Write the characters and move, move, move the plot and the audience will connect. Still life is not TV. In this case, it's barely art.

Chasing a guy wearing a kaonashi mask is not drama. For god's sake, all the perp needs to do is take the mask off, and our hapless cops wouldn't know where to look. They're already facing challenges crossing the road.

I remember Hart and Cohle, and keep watching but if this had been season 1, I'm not convinced Pizzolato would have got a second shot.
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