Parasite (1982)
3-D or not 3-D, that is the question
9 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Without 3-D, this movie would probably be classed as a moderately budgeted "B" with some fair special effects, some moderately effective rough-and-tumble bits of action and a fair bit of gory suspense. Although set in the future, "Parasite" was filmed on real locations – very ordinary, desert-like terrain that's certainly atmospheric but disappointingly inexpensive. On the whole, the acting is no more than serviceable. Even Vivian Blaine does not rise above the mediocre. And it's also obvious that the movie was shot in haste. Fortunately, the editor has taken care not to dwell too long on the out-of-focus shots or the blurry or ghosted material. The general impression is much like watching a movie on a second-rate TV set with far from perfect reception. On the other hand, the producer is not afraid of crowding the movie with 3-D effects. Most of the scenes and compositions are presented in deep focus. Indeed, foreground objects often seem to have protruded right off the screen. And when objects are thrown at the audience – which they often are! – the effect can be quite startling.
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