Beyond Anything Tolerable Even for the Experimental Early Days
7 July 2015
Intolerable Overacting from Charles Laughton makes this one Unbearable. All of the Nuance is Gone and what remains is just too much to take on the Big Screen. It's a Wonder Laughton managed another Role after this bit of Excessive Scene Stealing .

It's actually more than Scene Stealing it's Show Stealing. Even for 1932 and many Stage Actors making the Transition to Film, this was a Performance that's Inexcusable. Ray Milland Shows up in an Early Role and Notice how Laughton Bullies Him from word one. He Verbally Assaults Him Beyond the Pale.

Maureen O' Sullivan does manage to Get a Word in Once and While and Her Change of Character is a Temporary Diversion from the Bull-Like Laughton. The Wife and the French Floozy are OK but nothing can really Stop the Juggernaut that is Charles Laughton.

Overall, so Stagy and Dated, so Over the Top and Ripe that the Entertainment Value is Lost, except the Clever Twist Ending. But Enduring this is almost Impossible to get to that One Surprise.
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