True Detective: Maybe Tomorrow (2015)
Season 2, Episode 3
Building and Getting Better
6 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Much has been made about the slow pace of season 2 for True Detective. To my recollection, much of the same criticism was made for season 1 too and yet the overall consensus ended up being quite positive for it.

While I can only speak for myself, after seeing episode 3, Maybe Tomorrow, it seems like season 2 is going in the same "slow, but effective" direction successfully.

First off though, lets admit the drawbacks of this episode, because they do exist. Ray's survival against what was intentionally made to seem like a sure death in the previous episode already has been rightfully criticized as a cheap cliffhanger. The show had a chance to solidify this season as one where anythings goes and has now lost that chance. However, as a Vox article pointed out, there are also positives to the choice to have him survive, not least of which are that CF gets to continue to grace the screen with his presence, and his survival adds clues as to who might be involved in the larger conspiracy the protagonists are trying to unravel (after all, maybe someone who's a part of Ray's department would only use riot shells and want to warn Ray away from the case rather than kill him).

Another positive note for the episode can be said for the action. Not to buy into the whole Michael Bay "I love explosions and chases" cliché, but what can I say? They certainly don't hurt when you add them moderately into a show to provide balance to something that was previously a little too dialogue heavy.

Again though, there's nothing wrong with dialogue either if it adds to the story as well. Not that they weren't before, but the season's characters are all beginning to take shape- even the side characters (did anyone notice the weird, but hilarious "momma's boy" comment Annie's partner directed at her former lover?). Everyone seems to be getting not only more fleshed out, but they're also starting to grow and become more 3 dimensional, especially Ray and Frank.

Lastly, speaking of Frank, to say nothing of Vince Vaughn in this episode would be unfair. A lot people, myself included, were a little unsure/ skeptical about whether he was delivering what was needed to portray such a character. After all, he's done dramatic roles before, but he is, of course, much more known for his comedic efforts. I think one of the reasons some people were a little iffy about Vaughn in the last few episodes is his character was written as someone smart enough to know that nothing is ever for sure, and as such was struggling to be sure of himself in an uncertain time. That is to say because he was unsure of himself, so were we as an audience.

However, this episode allowed him to deliver what most people were looking for which was some range and confidence we hadn't seen yet. His authority matched his desperation perfectly which accumulated for a great peak in his fight scene with a former business associate who mocked his current standing. Vaughn did so authentically and extremely effectively.

Hopefully the rest of the season can continue to build the way this episode did.
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