Horrible, terrible, awful movie - made me sick - Political Rant follows
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review so I checked the spoiler box since my review is going to be one that I am not sure counts as a spoiler, since the movie was so terrible! My father and two uncles served in Vietnam, lost my father and for any writer to write a script that would have a soldier put getting laid over defending the men he serves with is a disgrace. This movie should have been banned and never aired period! These two soldiers go awol over a girl which is maybe OK in a movie, but then run into people who call them baby killers and badmouth the troops and neither of them stand up one bit for the men that were at the time dieing over there and whom they had been fighting along side for 6 months!! All of this so one of them can get laid and the other win his girl back as the storyline goes. These men came home to this crap and I know there is no soldier ever that would put up with it for two so trivial and stupid reasons. Yes get your girl back but no he would not put up with the bad mouthing of his men, and absolutely no way would a soldier go along with it just to get laid!! Movie was pointless, had no good plot, no chemistry (Liam was awful), and no real romance considering it is supposed to be a romance/drama/"war" movie (war thrown in to attract men to watch)! Movie seemed to glamorize the peace loving hippy movement that started the soldier hating in the first place! Wes
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