Review of Confessions

Breaking Bad: Confessions (2013)
Season 5, Episode 11
Blackmail and confrontation
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After an opening scene where Todd calls Walt to tell him he has taken over production from the Arizonans we return to Jesse and Hank. Hank doesn't get far with his questioning though as Saul ends the interview. He then takes Jesse to see Walt and Walt talks about how he might be better off moving away from New Mexico although Jesse suspects this is more for Walt's good than his own. Walt and Skyler then have a meeting with Hank and Marie and tensions simmer barely below the surface as Hank promises to take Walt down, adding that he will take Skyler down too if she insists on standing by him. The meeting ends with Walt handing a disc to Hank. This contains his recorded confession… about how Hank blackmailed him into working for him, sold his services to Gus Fring then forced him to make the bomb that killed Gus! There may not be a word of truth in it but the message is clear; if Hank brings him down he is going down too. Saul arranges for Jesse to leave New Mexico with a new identity but a last minute epiphany has Jesse attacking Saul and heading off to confront Walt.

This might not be an action packed episode but it certainly keeps the tensions high; especially when we see Walt's shocking 'confession'; I don't know about other viewers but I certainly wasn't expecting what we saw. If that wasn't enough the concluding scenes make it crystal clear that Walt and Jesse will never be friends again. The acting was top notch throughout with all of the cast giving great performances. As is often the case with 'Breaking Bad' there is some humour; this time coming from an over-enthusiastic waiter who keeps interrupting the meeting between Walt and Skyler, and Hank and Marie… which just served to raise the tension around the table. The ending was another classic which will leave viewers desperate to watch the next episode.
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