New Story, Same Feel
24 June 2015
Okay, so every person who has reviewed this episode/season thus far has started with the same thing and i'll be no different, it was always going to be difficult to top (or even match) season one, for a lot of people, the first season was the best show on television last year. Going forward, you have to view this as a completely different entity, otherwise you're already closing your mind.

One of the main draws of the show is it's characters, disintegrating into themselves and it looks as if this season will be no different, our 4 main characters are Ray (Farrell), Ani (McAdams), Paul (Kitsch) & Frank (Vaughn), all with the exception of Frank showed their vulnerabilities straight off the bat, Ray in particular facing some big emotional, violent issues that will no doubt play a big part in the unraveling story.

To keep the rest short and sweet (& spoiler free) here's a breakdown of high/low points of the episode;

+ Colin Farrell is turning in a fantastic performance, already looking like an inspired choice as the main role.

+ Visually stunning, great score/soundtrack.

+ Complex characters.

+ Slower pace and build-up actually enhances the overall enjoyment.

  • Vince Vaughn has had a fairly slow start to his part in the story, I have no doubt that it will explode into action further down the line.

In summary, a very strong start to the series, the story will branch out now as the characters come together, my main hope for the next episode is to see Frank's character show his darker side and see just how far Ray will go to satisfy his.
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