Amazing Stories: Dorothy and Ben (1986)
Season 1, Episode 18
One of the better ones.
23 June 2015
"Dorothy and Ben" is a very emotionally charged episode of "Amazing Stories"--and it's one of the better shows in the series. While it's not perfect, it is quite enjoyable and worth seeing.

When the show begins, an old man, Ben, awakens from an almost 40 year coma! Oddly, he doesn't awaken gradually nor is he a physical mess (his body would have degraded badly after 40 years of lying in bed). But it's a magical suspend disbelief! Anyway, soon Ben starts hearing a little girl in the hospital and goes looking for her. It turns out he can hear Dorothy--which is odd, as Dorothy is currently in a coma herself! Her parents at first think Ben in a nut but he knows so much about Dorothy's life that they know he somehow is in touch with her. What's next? See this one and find out yourself.

Overall, apart from Ben being way too healthy and happy following 40 years in a coma, the show is exceptional. However, have a Kleenex handy--you might just need it.
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