Amazing Stories: One for the Road (1986)
Season 1, Episode 15
A bit of dark comedy for this episode of "Amazing Stories".
23 June 2015
A group of bar flies are talking about a widow who struck it rich. It seems that she heard that there was a contract out on her husband and instead of warning him, she took out a huge insurance policy on him and struck it rich when he was knocked off! One of them has an idea--find a worthless person and heavily insure him and then arrange his death so they can collect on an insurance policy. They pick Mike Malloy (Douglas Seale--who played Santa a few episodes earlier) and then they'll become rich, right? All they need to do is keep giving him whiskey and wait for him to croak! Well, maybe not.

In addition to Seale, the episode stars a bunch of familiar character actors--James Cromwell, Joe Pantiliano, Geoffery Lewis and Royal Dano. It's nice to see these guys and it's a fun episode--in many ways reminiscent of the dark comedy "The Lavender Hill Mob". Well done.
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