Amazing Stories: Vanessa in the Garden (1985)
Season 1, Episode 12
A very interesting cast and director, that's for sure
23 June 2015
This episode was directed by Clint Eastwood and has a pretty impressive cast. His paramour at the time, Sondra Locke stars as do Harvey Keitel and Beau Bridges--making the show a bit better than usual when it comes to its cast.

This episode is set at about 1900. An artist (Harvey Keitel) is about to achieve great success--and his life seems perfect. However, when his beloved Vanessa dies, his hopes of happiness seem to have been shattered. Is there anything the man can do to rebuild his life and get over his overwhelming depression?

This episode looks much better than most in the series, as it has a nice 1900-era look to it. It's also interesting to see Harvey Keitel in something where he isn't dropping f-bombs and beating folks to death! So is it any good? Well, it sure has a lot going for it compared to most episodes. The show has a nice, gentle quality about it and doesn't mind sadness and tenderness---something sorely missing in too many of the other shows, which tended to be more broadly written and lacking subtlety. The show is a real testament to the director and the actors and it's a real shame more of the shows weren't like this one. Well worth seeing and something special. And, if you watch it, be sure to have a box of Kleenex handy...just in cases.
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