Frühstück? (2002)
Destroyed by bad acting
22 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Breakfast" was the first effort by writer and director Alexander Pfeuffer. And while it is certainly not a very good work here, it is not half as bad as what it looks like now, because the two lead actors do not have the slightest ounce of acting talent inside of them. Tobias Schenke was actually a big star here in Germany for whatever reason. I never saw any range in him and all he did back then was stupid comedies that some people found funny for whatever reason. Nico Link, on the other hand was unknown back then and he is unknown today, hasn't been in film since 2009 and for good reason. Anna Thalbach is not too bad here and certainly looks much younger than she actually was. The script is not a revelation exactly either. It's about random handjobs in public showers and an equally embarrassing triple makeout-scene in front of a night club. And the worst is maybe the lesson of this short film. If a guy does not want to be together with somebody who does the above, then it is the guy's fault for not being open enough to engage in sexual activity in broad daylight in public and not the fault of the one who actually does these despicable acts. Disgusting really and that has nothing to do with the fact that it's males only. Don't even try to pull the homophobia card here. It would be exactly the same if it was a man and a woman. Anyway, now that I think about it, I may have to revise my judgment that Pfeuffer did not mess up here. His contributions are probably at least as bad as the two actors in here. There are really quite a lot short films on homosexuality out there. And unfortunately only a low percentage are really worth a watch in terms of quality. This one here is exactly the opposite. 15 minutes of crap. Stay away.
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