Index Zero (2014)
Fairly ponderous immigration themed science fiction
21 June 2015
In a post-apocalyptic society people are assigned a number based on their perceived sustainability, the goal is to reach index zero which means a person is fully sustainable, to do so an individual must follow the instructions given by a computer.

This English language Italian sci-fi film uses a futuristic setting to comment on the contemporary subject of illegal immigration. In it an impoverished couple pay a shady man who facilitates their entry into what has become known as the United States of Europe. The method used is crawling into this country my way of an underground tunnel. It's quite an original concept but the scene is dragged out to an unnecessarily long length. It's an early indicator of the problems in this film, as it has some potential in its overall setup but the execution lets it down badly. The story revolves around a couple who are very unengaging, we know nothing of them and the script does not give them anything much to do to allow us to empathise with them. They remain very distant characters and consequently it's very hard caring about their plight. The woman is pregnant but natural pregnancy has been made illegal by the authorities, yet it really is difficult understanding exactly why this is so as its never explained in much detail. Not much of anything is explained really and so it is difficult getting too involved. On the whole, this is a pretty unengaging and ponderously handled film.
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