Atmospheric & Gritty Underrated Noir with a Great Garfield
20 June 2015
Somewhat Underrated Film-Noir, a Solid Entry, but Not as Cynical or Downbeat as the Best of Pure Noir, but contains a goodly amount of Bad Behavior and Shady Characters.

John Garfield Leads an Outstanding WB Cast with Walter Brennan showing an enormous Range here as an Intelligent, Loyal, Friend of Con-Man Garfield.

The Females are in direct Contrast to each other. Faye Emerson as the Unfaithful and Evil Toni, is Nasty and Unfeeling. Geraldine Fitzgerald as the "Mark", a Widowed Millionaire, Naive, Saintly, and as Warm and Cuddly as a Puppy.

The Strong Script from W.B. Burnett has some Gripping Wordplay with Gangster Grit. "You bring out a gun and I'm going to make you eat it.", Garfield tells George Coulouris as a Sunken Eyed and Bitter Crook on the Skids. He looks like and Acts like a Drug Addict. Maybe that's why His Nickname is Doc.

An almost Spiritual Scene in an Old Mission where Garfield has His Epiphany is Outstanding and Profound. There's Plenty of Mood and Shadowy and Sleazy Sets Populated with Low-Brow, Low-Income Regular Folks and Dregs. The Ending may be Elongated a bit but adds a Damp, Dock-Side Atmosphere to the Conclusion.

Overall, an Overlooked Film that is Rich and Rewarding for Fans of Film-Noir, Garfield, WB Gangster Movies, and Anyone Interested in the Post-War Milieu.
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