Entourage (2015)
What the? What?
16 June 2015
Quickie Review:

Agent turned studio-head Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is producing his first movie and he'd like Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) to star in it. Vince agrees on the condition that he gets to direct the movie. Together with his band of friends Vince must face both professional and personal hurdles. Entourage brings back the cast of the original show. While there are some funny additions to the cast the overall movie suffers from a meandering plot. The aimless story is only worsened by numerous shallow characters. For non-fans of the show, this is a pointless movie to watch. As for the fans, you might leave disappointed.

Full Review:

I have never seen a single episode of Entourage. Still, I must admit the trailer sold me on the movie and I was highly anticipating it. Unfortunately, I was left more confused as to what the point of the movie was. So you've been warned that this review comes from someone who has no idea what the show is like.

Though I didn't like the movie, I did enjoy some of the characters. Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold was hilarious. He has a no B.S. attitude most of the time and speaks his mind directly. Conversely it is also funny to see when he needs to shut his mouth to get what he needs. Billy Bob Thornton and Haley Joel Osment play father and son who are two key financiers for Ari's movie. They too have great comedic chemistry, and steal most of the scenes they are in. Haley Joel Osment has surprisingly good comedic timing. I haven't seen him in much but in this movie he plays the creepy rich guy who gets what he wants in an amusing way.

The biggest problem for me as a new-comer to this property is that the movie felt like it was two or three episodes from a random season of the show. There are all these references and backstory that I feel like I need to know. Of course I understand that this movie is catered more for the fans of the show, but if a movie wants a wider audience then it should retain a wider appeal. On top of that the premise of the movie makes it seem like there is some kind of conflict, but it is all resolved with a series of cameos from stars. Same goes for the individual story arcs. So there is no need to worry whether the main characters will succeed or not because some freak incident will occur and it will all work out in the end. So I didn't care for the characters one bit because the entire movie is as shallow and one note as the characters themselves.

If you are not fan of the show or never seen it, this is not a movie for you. At the same time if you are fan of the show I have a feeling you won't love this movie either. I say this because I went to watch this movie with a friend who watched the show and he also admits it felt like 2 or 3 bad episodes from the show. So overall I'd say skip it for the cinema, but if you'd really like to watch it, give it a shot on TV.

Check out more on my movie review blog The Stub Collector: http://thestubcollector.wordpress.com/
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