Bringing Spider Baby to Life
15 June 2015
The Hatching of Spider Baby (2007)

*** (out of 4)

This 32 minute documentary features interviews with Jack Hill, Sid Haig, Mary Mitchel, Karl Schanzer, Alfred Taylor, Beverly Washburn and Joe Dante as they discuss the making and history of SPIDER BABY. Hill starts off talking about how he got involved with the picture, coming up with the screenplay and getting all of the casting done. There are some good stories about how Lon Chaney, Jr. ended up in the film and the rest of the cast members talk about how they got their roles. We also get to hear about the disastrous screening and how the movie pretty much disappeared for decades until Hill managed to get a fresh copy out in circulation. If you're a fan of SPIDER BABY then you're going to enjoy this documentary as it really does give you a great idea of what it was like to shoot the film but some of the most interesting moments deal with the film disappearing and Hill having to try and "steal" the film and get it back to people. There are many great stories told by everyone involved here including Dante who talks about coming across a 35mm print.
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