Full House: A Pinch for a Pinch (1990)
Season 4, Episode 6
The One With The Pinching...
13 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this episode. It's funny and I honestly love the way Michelle handles her problems, even though that's not how she should.

In this episode, Jesse fills in for Joey at Michelle's preschool as a teacher's aid. He urges Michelle to fight back to her bully. Since Michelle was pinched, she pinches back. But the teacher is furious that Jesse told her to do this. As you're not meant to hurt people. Someone pinches me, they'll be lucky if I only pinch them back. Since Michelle gets punished and Jesse thinks that's unfair, he pulls her out of school. Meanwhile, Kimmy writes horoscopes for the school newspaper, and make Stephanie believe that she really can predict the future.

Best part of the episode: When Stephanie thinks the horoscopes are real.

Worst part of the episode: Jesse's way of handling Michelle's punishment.

Overall, I give this episode an 8 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Awesome.
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