Game Grumps (2012– )
The Harsh Third Year
3 June 2015
The first two years of Game Grumps make up the grand majority of Youtube content I can look fondly back on. Whether it was Jon or Dan in the co-host spot, each set of episodes is made up of some of the funniest moments ever to hit the site.

2015 has, thus far, shown a sharp downward curve in quality. Arin forcing reactions and enthusiasm, once serving as an occasional sarcastic highlight to uninteresting sections of gameplay, has become his default response to nearly everything on screen. Where commentary once reflected the game being played, the hosts' commentary can now largely be swapped between videos and have about as much to do with the game as its original release. And the editing. Oh, the editing. Their new editor, ostensibly professionally trained in his field, seems to make a game of lowering the bar on quality of work with each episode. Blank frames, audio syncing issues, hosts calling on him to edit something in and met with nothing but an awkward pause... the list goes on and on. The hosts have also taken to apologizing to jokes which could be considered offensive... during the joke. This is improv 101: backtracking on a joke does nothing but kill any laugh you may have gotten. The perpetually offended never accept apologies and the comedic punch of an offensive line completely misses the target when you falter. It's crazy to see them regress so hard on this, especially.

I honestly do hope that they can get back in their swing, but as the show is now I couldn't recommend it to anyone.
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