Pluto was pretty scary in this one.
10 June 2015
Pluto is trying to take an afternoon nap while having his dog bone as a treat, but it is taken away by Dinah the Dachshund; she is sad she doesn't have any food or treats in her dog plate. After Pluto takes his bone back, he falls into a deep sleep and sleepwalks, giving the bone back to Dinah; this happens at least twice in the process.

I know you really shouldn't take things from other people without asking first, but Pluto was pretty mean in this one by frightening away poor Dinah, chasing her and stomping on her doghouse. But, Pluto does show heart eventually when he discovers Dinah has a little of pups she is trying to protect.

This is a charming little cartoon which is not the laugh-out-loud kind, but is funny nonetheless. The animation is bright and colorful and the background music has a soothing and heartfelt feel to it. A nice one overall featuring Pluto.

Grade B+
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