Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons (2015)
Season 5, Episode 9
The Pain of the Dragons
9 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Stannis camping is attacked and he loses horses, weapons and provisions in a fire. Davos advises that they can neither move forward to Winterfell nor march back to Castle Black. Stannis asks him to go to Castle Black and request supplies, weapons and horses. Davo asks to take his wife and Shireen with him but Stannis says that his family stays with him. Jon Snow brings the Wildlings that survived to Castle Black despite the opinion of many of his men. Doran Martell has an amicable conversation with Jamie telling that he does not want war, and they agree arrangements for Myrcella and Prince Trystane in King's Landing. Ellaria is skeptic about their agreement. Arya is selling oysters in an assignment of Jaqen H'ghar and the stumbles with Meryn Trant. She decides to follow him in a brothel instead of finishing her task. Stannis takes the ultimate cruel decision to win the war. Daenerys and her husband open the fighting pit and they are surprised by the Sons of Harpy. However, she is saved by Jorah and Daario and rescued by one of her sons.

"The Dance of Dragons" is another spectacular full of action episode of "Game of Thrones. Jon Snow has increased the number o enemies in Castle Black giving refugee to the Wildlings. The unpredictable alliance between Doran and Jamie and the reaction of Allaria seems to indicate that he will be betrayed by her. The segment with Arya is still annoying. Daenery's revenge against the Sons of Harpy will be certainly cruel. But the heartbreaking moment is the attitude of Stannis toward his daughter. Fortunately I have not read the book; otherwise I would possibly hate the "artistic freedom" of HBO, transforming the beloved father Stannis Baratheon into a monster. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "The Dance of the Dragons"
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