Review of Dead End

Angel: Dead End (2001)
Season 2, Episode 18
What Fun!
8 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this episode a lot. It's very Lindsey focused. You know, I really wanted to hate Lindsey. After he went back to Wolfram and Heart and deservedly lost his hand by bringing back Darla, he did so many things wrong I just wanted to hate him. But somehow, I always had a soft spot for him. He always seems so passionate, like despite his best efforts, he's always going to follow his heart. And yeah, sometimes his heart leads him to do evil, terrible things. But I think there's someone good deep down in there.

This episode also really reminded me of what Lindsey lost when Angel took his hand. It's never seemed that big a deal before, but now we learn he used to love to sing and play guitar, and he didn't get to do that anymore. He had to adapt and stumble through this harsh, competitive life, without his dominant hand. I think able-bodied people like me need that reminder sometimes. But it also makes it more beautiful when he does get to play and sing again. It's like he's finally connected back to his soul, and it's nice to see.

I like seeing Lindsey try to work with Angel. This is the second episode when that's happened, and it's just so much fun both times.

This episode also deals with the toll the visions are taking on Cordy. This worries me. None of the guys know how to deal with it. Cordy doesn't really know how to deal with it. I'm not sure what kind of path this will send her on. Poor Cordy.

There are two parts of this episode that I particularly like. The first is when Angel is trying so hard to cheer up Cordelia, he brings her a bunch of food. She tells him she loves him, and he just has this most wonderful smile that nearly made me tear up. It's really perfect - it's just full of his soul, so happy and worried and sweet and adorable. It's a quick but really beautiful moment.

But what really takes the cake and makes this a fun, wonderful episode, is when Lindsey quits Wolfram and Heart. He goes on this whole "evil hand" speech, and I love it. It's so funny and so Lindsey and just a really enjoyable scene.
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