Star Trek: Tomorrow Is Yesterday (1967)
Season 1, Episode 19
The Enterprise returns to 1969
6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
An accident catapults the Enterprise back in time to the Earth in 1969; spotted on radar Captain John Christopher is sent to investigate. As his F104 Starfighter closes in on the Enterprise it is caught in its tractor beam and starts to break up. Kirk orders Capt. Christopher beamed aboard the enterprise… this creates a problem; now that Christopher has seen the Enterprise they can't allow him to return as his new knowledge of the future could have a major effect on Earth's history. As they learn more about the captain it is clear that they have another problem; his yet to be conceived son was due to take part in an important early space mission. While they try to determine what must be done Kirk and Sulu beam down to a base to recover photographic evidence retrieved from Cristopher's plane… and this leads to beaming another unexpected guest aboard the enterprise!

This time travel episode is reasonably fun but not particularly memorable. The conundrum of what to do about Capt. Christopher and the other man beamed up is solved a little too neatly in a way that leaves them with no memories of what happened. The situation does provide a few amusing moments; it is surprising just how funny it is what Mr Spock raises an eyebrow at their surprised guests and Kirk's interrogation at the US Air Force base was fairly funny. Further humour is provided by the computer, which has become somewhat flirtatious after reprogramming at a female dominated planet… a gag that seems somewhat dated now. Overall not a bad episode but certainly not a classic.
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