Welcome to Me (2014)
Bizarre, Interesting, Unique, and pretty Funny
5 June 2015
This movie was worth watching at home, but I would feel gypped if I had paid $10+ to see it in a theater... Kristin Wiig does a pretty spectacular job playing this type of character without annoying the viewer too much... If you read my other reviews, you'll know that I'm always on the look out for various forms of symbolism and propaganda, luckily this film seemed to have very little of either... Except of course for the obligatory homosexual couple that they had to make sure everybody knows that they're homosexual, but unfortunately this is typical... I'm not asking to pretend that gay people don't exist on film, but lets have them exist as they do in real life, which is a pretty limited quantity, not 1 out of every 5 men is gay as portrayed by Hollywood... Sorry, it just annoys me as a hetero male, but I digress...If you're looking for an oddball comedy, "Welcome to Me" is definitely watchable... It 's really like a 6.3 movie in my book, but it's currently rated lower than that, so I'll give it a little bump and rate it at a 7....
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