Wasted money
5 June 2015
I've never seen the original Paul Blart film, but from what the reviews say, it's apparently not bad. but the 2nd one is the real deal, it sucks.

First of all, you could've hired a fanfiction writer to write the script, and it probably would have been funnier. Heck, I could've written a funnier script than what they came up with.

There's only one real redeeming quality to this film, and that's it's physical comedy. Some of the bits were well timed, but most of the time, it's just Paul Blart falling down.

The story is a hack plot. Blart's off to Las Vegas, and just happens to get wrapped up in the middle of an art heist. There's not much else that I cared about in the film.

1/10...don't go see it.
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