Solid, mostly enjoyable remake
3 June 2015
Signing up to work at a mental health facility, a nurse finds the growing attachment of a brain-dead patient with her is causing him to lash out with his supernatural powers at those around her and forces her to stop his deadly games.

This turned out to be quite an enjoyable and overall entertaining remake. What really works for this one is the fact that so much of what happens here comes off as genuinely freaky and quite chilling, as the completely comatose person laying there gives off an utterly freaky look here that never really looks normal yet is given quite a large amount of happenstance to prove otherwise. From his initial reactions around her that aren't quite right yet perfectly within the realm of realism which happens to make their continued time together all the more creepy by how far it veers off into that kind of dangerous territory. From the inconsequential marks of how he warps into her life by stealing away all the different parts of her to force her to keep coming back, it takes the sudden use of technology of how he communicates to get the point across that something's really wrong and that sets up the fine final half here which is all sorts of fun. With the action coming from his manipulation of not only the objects around him but also possessing people to continue his bidding, it makes for quite the frantic series of events here with tons of fantastic encounters trying to get past the possessed minions, playing his deranged games to save everyone and finding all the charred bodies and extremely graphic kills first hand makes for a truly enjoyable, thrilling series of events to really end this one on a high. As well, the general sleaze and depravity here makes for a much nicer watch than expected with a bit more going for it in that regard than would normally be the case here which altogether causes this a lot of fun and more than enough to hold off the few small problem areas. The biggest issue to overcome here is the completely bland and banal back-story given here that's supposed to make us side with him and his obsession with her yet does nothing in terms of making him into a sympathetic figure. Showing the treatment from his mother isn't so much a sympathetic ploy but instead one that completely justifies his condition by being such a deranged lunatic, and one that also never manages to account for his supernatural powers here which is quite shocking since that's such a major part of the story that never gets fully solved. The last problematic area here is the rather lengthy amount of time here before any kind of supernatural activity manifests itself, since this is so based on that it tends to lose focus for the first hour or so here by letting the storyline develop yet it doesn't really give off much of a hint about it's supernatural origins for much of the time in doing so which lets this wander along until finally coming out with such scenes at the end. While this isn't too bad as these first half scenes are quite watchable without stumbling too badly, it is noticeable here.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a mild sex scene.
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