Iron Doors (2010)
Guess I'm the only one who liked it, but I really did, and here's why...
2 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To each their own of course, but I've seen a lot of these types of movies, (of which I endearingly call, "2-4 Idiots Trapped in a Room Trying Not to Die" films), and this one did not go in the predictable route. The actors also had really great chemistry, and I mean that, even before the sex scene. I also liked the way that the film was shot with just enough interesting angles but not so many that it gives me motion sickness, (and no shaky or spinning camera effect; praise the mighty gods! XD).

That said, here's my take on the sex scene/why they had sex; if I were in a situation where I were in serious danger of dying, and were going through this with another person, I would probably grow to care a great deal about them, especially by the end as we both lay dying. If that other person happened to be someone that I found to be attractive and who also found me attractive in return, and we both seriously felt that there was no hope of surviving, I could see the romanticism in wanting to go out together in a blast of final excreted energy. Though, I felt like it went deeper than that, and I think this is why I enjoyed this one so much.

It's like how soldiers who were in combat together become brothers/sisters, or how survivors of horrible abuse or natural disasters often cling together for many years after, (if not life), because they're the only ones in the world that will ever fully and personally understand what the other has been through. It's hard to explain the love you feel for someone when they've held your hand and walked through hell with you.

As for the ending, I immediately thought, "Wow, it's like exactly what the Disney-loving inner child in me wanted for them after all they've been through!", but couldn't help but notice how purposely surreal it looked, as if something out of a dream...or something out of the series of hallucinations that the brain processes as it dies due to all the chemical stuff the brain does when you die, (unless you go by instant death, which is rare).

The guy was so exhausted and starved of everything by the end that he was crawling and barely able to make it back to the lady when he ripped out the lining of that coffin to cover her with, (that part pulled my heartstrings; sorry, it just did, okay?! :P ). I figure that he died shortly after that, and the ending was a dying vision in his mind as he passed. The lady may or may not have died at the same time.

Maybe she was really with him in the vision because she had died, too, but it seemed to me that she had another day or so before she was going to die of starvation and thirst. They'll never know who did it to them or why; that's the harsh reality of many victims of serial killers, as much as it sucks.

Again, feel free of disagree or even rip my review apart; I won't take it personally that we didn't like the same movie, haha. :)
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