Hillery - The Gift That Just Keeps On Giving
29 May 2015
This movie barely scratches the surface of just how corrupt this woman and her husband really are. But a lot has happened since this movie was made, and none of it has done anything but expose the Clintons for the cold, calculating, con artists they really are.

This is actually a fairly good movie and well worth watching, especially now after Benghazi and the emails and her personal server and....

Scandal follows this woman like a puppy follows a child.

Just keep repeating to yourself "this movie is 5 years old....this movie is 5 years old."

Attention Liberals: Don't waste your time because you're going to hate it. You see, it exposes one of your heroic icons for the fraud she is - a ruthless, scheming, shrewd, 1%er and professional politician.
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