Review of Swearnet

Swearnet (2014)
For Trailer Park Boys Fans
15 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*** May Contain Spoilers

This movie is def not for minors, and you have to take it for what it is. When I can laugh by myself its a different type of comedy. Rob, Mike, John, and Patrick show us a different side of their Trailer Park Boy alter egos and made for a great 100 minutes of comedy.

Seeing Mike Smith playing himself was fantastic, I always wondered what kind of person was under those goofy goggles and he gave us a chance to see that. I loved how Mike, and Rob played polar opposites of themselves but Patrick and John basically played there Trailer Park Boy personalities, but in a more realistic scenario.

The scene where the boys trip acid literally had me in tears. This film proved that the fantastic minds that brought us Trailer Park Boys will not be one hit wonders, as long as they stick to their genre of comedy.

The only reason I am giving this 8/10 instead of 10/10 is because Tom Green and Carrot Top are terrible. I understand the casting budget was low, but I really hope I never see them on the screen again in my life. Their acting for forced laughs was unbearable. I'd much rather see Leigh Macinnis (Don) in more films, then have to put up with them again.

John, Mike, and Rob keep up the good work, i'm looking forward to seeing what else you guys come up with!
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