I really wanted to like this
25 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALLERT: You already know what happens in this movie. First of all, the stilted animation, the barely 3-D faces, with no expression on them let alone movement. The graphics are pixelated in places and background hardly deserves the name. Honestly, primary school children could do better with crayons.

But I could forgive that. Yes, I would completely accept the creators limitation in this regard and appreciate the life spent upon this endeavour if the vocals weren't so fake-sounding.

The tone, cadence and timbre in all the voices are incredibly jarring. I wish these guys had listened to any English dub anywhere if they could not do this in Japanese, Chinese or Korean with subtitles. You'd think they didn't know what angry or sad people sounded like. To be honest, silence and subtitles would have been a massive improvement.

Sadly, what they were actually saying was no improvement. You've never heard a cliché they didn't say. The plot line was devastating but I can live with a girl inheriting a magical sword. What I can't live with is a cliché killing off everyone she knew in her life in 12 seconds except for her one crazy but strangely wise and blood thirsty companion she didn't know was her sister. Six-year-olds have better plots in their fantasies. Ten-year-olds have much more imaginative characters.

I'm not a troll okay? I wanted to like this I was on board but 23 minutes and 41 seconds in I just knew that this was it. It wasn't going to get better and anything I can muster up in my imagination about how this thing continues and ends or even how it began would be eminently better than whatever predictable, agonising procession of pixels this Frankenstein could lumber up. I am sorry. My friend if you watch this film, you'll see what I mean but don't. Stop reading this. Go life your life.
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