Child 44 (2015)
Has NO ONE read the book? Pile of W**K.
24 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The writers of this film owe Tom Rob Smith money and a heartfelt apology. If you have not read the book, this film will be any other crime film with some brutal violence and a bit of naked Tom Hardy.

If you have read the book? You will be presented with a film that is NOTHING like the book, but still manages to send the odd 'f*ck you' to remind you it is MEANT to be based on it.

The whole incredible twisting ins and outs of the book with the separate stories that begin to come together are completely ignored. Vasili, who in the book was a twisted cruel jealous protégé, is for some reason now an underdog younger brother we're meant to root for. WHAT? The traumatic past Raisa based on true events is non existent, and her coin that causes so much internal struggle for Leo and is a key part of the story is forgotten. As a special f*ck you to any audience members who have read the book, the opening scene is of 12 year old Leo playing with the coin. No explanation is given throughout the film. The past of Leo/Paval is also completely ignored. Instead they just show him running from an orphanage and getting adopted by his new father (Gary Oldman) who just happens to be a military general who is willing to adopt a child. (Yep, that heart wrenching story about the dead Leo is also gone.)

Remember the awesome plan Leo and Raisa have to do to escape the gulag transport train? With the thousands of hooks under the train forcing them to use a dead mans tooth to break a floor board, jump under the train and use the dead body to protect them? the way they had to convince all the other prisoners to help them because they were going to stop a serial killer? F*CK IT! Instead, they just OPEN A DOOR AND JUMP OUT. Yep. The selfless help of the prisoners aboard is ignored, and the following scene in the village which explains their escape properly is yet again non existent.

Oh, did I mention the serial killer has NO REAL MOTIVE? The twisted logic of the book that creates an understanding of the serial killer trying to reach Leo because it is his brother, rooted in childhood experience and mental instability is scrapped. The only explanation of the mans crimes in the film? "I can't stop."

Overall, this festering turd of a film does not do the author or the actors justice. Avoid at all costs
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