Pretty funny Jerry Lewis film
23 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had wanted to see this movie for years after hearing it was one of Jerry Lewis' best films, but for the longest time I couldn't find it anywhere. But I finally found a video store that stocked it, so I got it in my hands at last. And after watching it, I can safely report that its reputation is deserved. Sure, it's not a perfect movie - for one thing, Lewis is too old to be playing someone in his 20s. But Lewis' performance makes up for it, making his character amusingly goofy, but not TOO much so that he remains pretty sympathetic and not annoying. The script and direction are good, not just with Lewis but with the supporting characters, who do get a good amount of comic meat to work with. There isn't much plot, but the laughs do come in on a regular basis so you won't mind very much about that. The movie is breezy fun right from the start to the bizarre (but very funny) climatic sequence when Lewis is on the run for his life. This may not be Lewis' best film, but it's not very far behind, and would make a good introduction to anyone not familiar with him. Now someone convince Olive Films to get the DVD rights to Lewis' "Don't Give Up The Ship", which is just as funny, maybe even more so!
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