Count Bobby's sweet life
21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second of three Count Bobby movies featuring Austrian entertainment legend Peter Alexander as the title character. It came out one year after the first (check out my review for that), director and writer are the same again, it also runs for 1.5 hours again, but the action is more about Italy, then about France this time. Well.. not really, the action is mostly about life on a yacht. The third film is about the Wild West. Anyway, in this one here, the basically used all the ingredients from the first movie again. Alexander wears drag for a large part of the film (and occasionally resembles Otto Waalkes while in drag). There is lots of singing again and it is one big Peter Alexander showpiece. he even stands on stage several times, so it's almost like watching his stage program, especially with the audience's laughters in the background. I have to say I preferred the music in the first film though. The only memorable song from this sequel for me is "Bathtub Tango". One difference compared to the original is that they also included a crime story here. This was made over 50 years ago, actually one year before the first James Bond movie, so I guess this is what people wanted to see back then. Just like in the first film, they used many plays on words, including "Absatzschwierigkeiten" and "Schirmherr" this time and many more.

Vivi Bach did not return from the first film, so they needed a new love interest for the main character and they went with Ingeborg Schöner this time. The name is correct in my opinion as the brunette looks much better than Bach in my opinion. However, the film itself is fairly forgettable just like the first. Really only worth a watch for hardcore fans of Alexander's work.
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