Review of Caillou

Caillou (1997–2018)
This show is a bad influence!!
16 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have started noticing that my little brother was starting to refuse to do things that I had asked him to. Then my friends and teammates brought it to my eyes that He was talking different and he was throwing more fits and tantrums. I then realized that Caillou does all the same things my little brother is doing. I personally suggest that if your child watches Caillou and isn't being themselves it is probably the issue. I hope that everyone realizes that this show has a negative impact and not a positive one. I hope that this problem will be fixed because a lot of kids love the show. I personally believe that this show should not be aired until the problem is fixed. My little brother used to count with his fingers and now he is not. This show could effect the way your child learns.
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