Aussie horror destined to be cult classic
13 May 2015
A group of teenagers, led by the troubled Jasmine (Lauren Clark), conjure up the spirit of an equally troubled ghost in The Quarantine Hauntings. What follows is an interesting contemporary Australian horror film mixing Blair Witch-type found footage, creepy surveillance shots that parallel Paranormal Activity and some Tarantino-style grindhouse scenes of girls kicking ass.

The film's directors (Bianca Biasi and Arnold Perez) work well to maximise the constraints of a low budget and craft a genuinely creepy tale. The cast deliver sound performances - stand outs for me were Lauren Clark, Dalisha Cristina as the ghost and Elizabeth Wiltshire, who truly anchors the film as Jasmine's ballsy best friend Skye.

The Quarantine Hauntings hits the right marks considering its low budget limitations and has all the elements to be a worthy entry into the Ozploitation horror cult canon.
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