Little Buddho (2014)
Light comedy with black humor
13 May 2015
"Mali Budo" (Little Budo) is a light comedy with a pinch of black humor. Nothing special, but it is good for relaxing for an hour and a half. Camera is done well, acting is good - and what is very important - Montenegrin accent is not caricatured or overemphasized, neither was behavior of characters overemphasized based on prejudices. Movie is clean, well filmed, well cut. It is clear that there was no intention of making an artistic piece, or festival material, but it does well in terms of serving the viewer a story - not too raw, not too crisp, with a pinch of black humor. Only thing that should have been done better is adding some lines about what is actually "Blood Revenge" in some point of movie opening (or at least first 10 minutes) in a manner that would show viewers how important part of history and Montenegrin heritage it is, and that it is a part of old way to preserve family honor after one or more of members lose life from human hand. Blood Revenge may spawn for decades and generations. Apart from that, story is well presented to the viewer. Some characters should be better described (as in: giving them more background) through conversation, but the lack of it does not impair the consistency of the story. All in all - if you want to see a light comedy with a bit of black humor, you might enjoy it in some extent.
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