Supernatural: Dark Dynasty (2015)
Season 10, Episode 21
I will censor the cursing….
8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I think, honestly, that the writers Buckner/Leming should be embarrassed to get paid for that as professional writers.

Seriously, shame on you. How dare you call yourselves professional writers?

This is not random hatred. There is reason behind this rant.

Let's start with basic stupidity and plot holes.

1) They have no idea how to introduce us to character/villain motivation or ability and make logical sense. Example: the Styne at the beginning, who supposedly values secrecy and "not leaving bodies behind" RUNS FROM A FRIKKIN JANITOR. A. Janitor. WHY??!! He not only screws up his secrecy so badly that the Hunters are on his trail, he REVEALS HIS EXTRA ABILITIES FOR NO APPARENT REASON. ON VIDEO. Lazy writing. They had no idea how to introduce the character and his powers without this senseless and illogical display. Amateur hour writing. To further compound the idiocy, the guy goes back and randomly kills another witness. Yeah. That makes sense.

2) The "Hollywood Rant". The guy later, after being captured….oh, about that…also stupid and lazy. This Styne family is aware that Dean has the Mark of Cain, and how dangerous that makes him. Yet, they send ONLY TWO GUYS to capture him. And, predictably, one is killed and the other is caught. Yeah. Really competent there, bad-guys. And for the aforementioned so-called 'professional writers'-some advice-when you are trying to illustrate how 'knowledgable' and 'smart' your villains are, try not to do stupid ignorant things like ignoring lore at the same time. Just a thought. Free advice. Ahem. Back to the "Hollywood Rant". For the initiated, that means a character on screen has to go into a long speech or rant to explain the plot to an audience that the writers are assuming are dumb. It's just that way. The entire process can be done well, or poorly. This one was the latter. He reveals EVERYTHING about his family, plans, the Book, for no reason whatsoever, except to advance the plot. Clunky.

3) Castiel. All-powerful angel. Can instantly transport (or fly, depending on the head-canon) anywhere and hear cries for help. He does…well…he's ignored. He brings snack in this episode. Lazy. Careless. Poorly written. I mean, I'm not just pointing fingers at what's wrong, here's some tips….GIVE CASTIEL SOMETHING TO DO THAT MIGHT HAVE PREVENTED HIM FROM HELPING …ummm…ANYONE IN THIS EPISODE! Demons? They were hunting for Rowena….maybe one of the minions stumbled onto her and he had to fight off a few of them? Just a suggestion. It's called LEVELS OF STORYTELLING.

4) Failing to recognize your audience, and abusing their trust. Charlie was a popular character. There was a TON of subtext built up around her, and you not only ignored all of it, but you KILELD HER OFF SCREEN AND DUMPED HER IN THE TOILET. OK, it was the bathtub, but the reference is not lost on us. An author writes first for themselves, and then the audience, sure. But if you are ONLY writing for yourself, and ignoring your audience, you are lazy and incompetent as a 'professional writer'. That's what happened. They ignored the audience to such a degree it was a direct slap in the face. She doesn't get a heroic fight. She doesn't get final words. She is dumped unceremoniously in a bathroom. You are writing a horror/drama, not daedalist prose (you just googled that, didn't you?) The sub-text here (that's the unwritten message that you are sending to your audience, 'professional writers', JIK) is that Charlie was unimportant, and only her shocking death was important to advance the plot. Uh.uh. Never ever. You ignored people and slapped them in the face.

And you are probably wondering now why there is so much hatred and backlash.

Simple. People don't like getting abused.

Please. Go find another 'profession'. And stop writing giant piles of Brontosaurus $§%!T.

Damn. *censor*
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